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Wise Money Israel是以色列投资管理和咨询公司的领导者

发布时间:2018-01-08 来源:中以商务网 作者:以色列商务考察

Wise Money Israel是以色列投资管理和咨询公司的先锋,与全球数百个体、公司和组织合作,在以色列资本市场投资数千万美元。 以色列以谢克尔为基础的证券交易所以创新闻名,通过全球投资组合多元化,为投资者提供了一种替代当地货币投资的替代方案。

Wise Money Israel (WMI) is an Israeli investment firm dedicated to serving our clients and caring for their financial well-being. Whether individuals, corporations, or non-profit organizations from around the globe, we prudently manage our client’s portfolios and guide them into the Israeli capital market.

Wise Money Israel assists clients to open their Israeli investment account from anywhere in the world, provides investment advising services, and manages client portfolios.

Having successfully invested hundreds of millions of shekels, WMI has earned its reputation as a trustworthy and secure home for investment capital. WMI partners with the largest and most well-known brokerages in Israel and offers stock and bond investing directly on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. We assist our clients to diversify their capital by investing in leading Israeli companies in the Shekel, giving them an alternative to their local holdings.

With a high level of integrity, professionalism and personal client attention, Wise Money Israel clients have enjoyed solid returns on their investments year over year.

Not only do we aspire for your investments to succeed, but we want you to succeed as you help Israel lead and shape the world towards a bright and promising future. We look forward to working with you as you sow your seeds in the people and nation of Israel.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

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