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发布时间:2017-12-21 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务网

B.I.S. Advanced Software Systems Ltd远程在线存储领域的市场领导者 - 为移动运营商和服务供应商提供用于共享、协作、媒体流和增值服务的独特云文件管理。我们提供创新的数据网络存储解决方案:Office 文档、图片电影等。我们提供创新的数据网络存储解决方案:Office 文档、图片电影等。以上方案可用于个人电脑、笔记本电脑、互联网操作系统和 Android 设备。

The B.I.S. CloudIUS Solution And Implementation

 After a long search and extended pilot program, Enuve selected B.I.S Advanced Software Systems Ltd.’s QBU-CloudIUS system to provide them with a complete cloud software solution.

Enuve can now offer their customers advanced and highly innovative business cloud data sync file & share, and a cross-platform ‘take your PC with you’ concept (PC, web, and mobile); as well as enhanced encryption, compression, versioning, streaming to and from the cloud, and user-friendly automatic bac kup/synchronization scheduling.

The new agreement forecasts estimated first-year sales of 4,000-5,000 corporate customers to work with Enuve, which can reflect approximately 150,000 users. This gives Enuve the opportunity to market, customize, and implement CloudIUS’ products throughout Brazil, and opens up the possibility of a wide range of business activities and cooperation in the future.



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

咨询电话: 010-80700911/010-57036589

 中以商务网专注服务于各级政府部门,企事业单位,商会、协会,商学院、行业媒体、教育培训机构等;定制考察方案,衔接境外考察单位,代发商务邀请函,协助办理签证等全套地接服务,贯穿从【提出考察需求】到【考察结束回国、再到后期项目洽谈】的所有环节 >>>>>


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