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发布时间:2015-06-22 来源:中以商务网 作者:中以商务网


Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy at the palm of your hand.

NIR spectroscopy has been known for decades but until SCiO, has only been used in labs or factories. We created SCiO to bring this powerful technology to everyone.

We used technologies developed for cell-phone cameras and optical communications devices to dramatically reduce the cost and size of NIR spectroscopy systems. It took us three years and the effort of many talented engineers and scientists to bring you SCiO.

How SCiO Works

SCiO is based on the proven near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical basis for this material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create a unique optical signature.

SCiO includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor called a spectrometer that collects the light reflected from the sample. The spectrometer breaks down the light to its spectrum, which includes all the information required to detect the result of this interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample.

Spectrometers used for near-IR spectroscopy are normally found in scientific laboratories and are very big and expensive. Designed for consumers, SCiO leverages a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be mass-produced at low cost. Consumer Physics achieved this advancement by reinventing the spectrometer around low-cost optics and advanced signal processing algorithms.

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum of the sample to a smartphone wirelessly, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-based service for review. Advanced algorithms utilize an updatable database to analyze the spectrum within milliseconds and deliver information about the analyzed sample back to the user's smartphone in real time.

SCiO - Technical Specs


  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S ( iOS7 or later )

  • Android based phones ( Android 4.3 or later)

What Can I Do With It Today?

Out of the box, when you get your SCiO, you will be able to analyze food, plants, and medications.

For example, you can:

  • Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: Dairy products, Fruits and vegetables. Other apps for drinks, meats, ripeness, salad dressing and more will be released on a regular basis as our database expands.

  • Know the well-being of popular plants.

  • Identify capsules containing medicine and nutritional supplements.

  • Help build the world's first database of matter.

These are just a few of the starter applications that you can use upon receiving your SCiO. After SCiO is released, new applications will be developed and released regularly.
The possibilities of SCiO applications are endless. For example in the future you can use SCiO to measure properties of cosmetics, clothes, flora, soil, jewels and precious stones, leather, rubber, oils, plastics, and even your pet!
Please Note - SCiO is not a medical device and should not be used to treat or prevent medical conditions such as allergies.


此装置内置集成电池供电,续航时间约为一周,能与iPhone 4S,iPad 3之后的版本以及Android 4.3 以上的设备兼容。产品计划于今年12月上市,目前正在Kickstarter上发起众筹,支持者需179美元即可在上市时获得产品。与这款装置很相似产品TellSpec也正在研发中,不过其定位主要在食品分析领域。



—— 以色列游学培训、商务考察专业提供商

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